I don't know why
I don’t know why, I don’t know why
I should look out the window
To come out to play
Your wicked game
I don’t know why, I don’t know why
You love me so
I’ll come out and sing
You’re a rock on my boat
10 meters closer to my window
I should hide behind the red curtain hung below
Persian carpets on my kitchen floor
Warm my feet as I go
I don’t know why, I don’t know why
When I look out
I can see you
Two floors below on the street
Folded up newspapers saying the worlds ending
5 meters closer to my window
Closer to the edge
2 meters closer I can see the edge
Of your head
Your hair blowing in the wind
Blowing in the window
And I can smell your deodorant
It swarms through the air like a storm
It’s brewing and I care more I care more
That this world is ending
As the newspaper prophesied
Oh take that shoe on for size my mommy would have said
My mommy would have said
My mom would have said
And I don’t know why, I don’t know why
I look out my window
In the hopes I’ll see your face
Just once more
I don’t know why, I don’t know why
I can’t imagine
A world without you
By my side
I don’t know why, I don’t know why
I should look out my window
I don’t wanna play
Your wicked game
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